Resonate Productions makes musical journalism by combining investigative, social journalism with lots of original music. We create performances, podcasts, films and music-infused articles on emotional blind spots in society.
Andrea Voets is our artistic director and De Balie in Amsterdam (NL) is our home-base.

Some examples of musical journalism are:

FOR REAL: a theatrical radioshow on what it means to matter.
Starting point: an in-depth analysis of the intellectual undermining of women.
Millennial History:
recent European history, told my millennials who were there when it happened.
Shortlist best of human interest radio ‘22, Association for International Broadcasters.
While We Live:
a social roadtrip through Greece, in search for ways out of fundamental loneliness in society.
Best of classical music 2020, NRC.
Wings & Roots: shaping identities between cultures.
What does it mean when you always relate and never belong?
a worldwide search into the question ‘how to feel safe’?
Supported by the selective FastForward-grant, in a five-year partnership with Festival van Vlaanderen - Lunalia.


Our goals with musical journalism are:

to bring to light emotional blind spots in society.
These are feelings and social phenomena that deeply influence the lives of many, but it’s hard to put them into words or even to allow yourself to feel them through.
offer ways out of the complex problems these blind spots bring about
spark meaningful contact and start the conversations people did not yet know they were longing for

All our works are based on extensive journalistic research, carried out all over the world. Countless layers of custom-made, original music create a strong sense of holding for the listeners, which makes it possible to access these topics on a rational, emotional and subliminal level: all at the same time.

Our teams are made up of very caring people who happen to be exquisite musicians as well. Most of them live in-between cultures, which makes us create a whole new sense of belonging to take the audience along in. This interculturality also reflects in the people we interview and the people you might meet when you come to experience musical journalism with us.

Andrea tells you more about our way of working in this interview on PocaTV.

You can experience musical journalism in a few forms:

live, in theatres across Europe. Check out our Linktree for tourdates.
listen to the podcasts
online, via our Patreon-,Facebook- or Instagram-pages
read our published articles
see your own voice turned into new musical journalism.
Follow our social media for interview-calls.

We cannot wait to get to know you.